Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Macbeth †Hero or “Hellhound” Essay

William Shakespeare the author of Macbeth was born in April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He is generally regarded as the greatest playwright ever to have lived. During the time of Shakespeare (which was the Elizabethan times) the theatres in which his plays were performed were very basic. They had no scenery or sets so they used simple items such as a stool, which would represent an indoor scene. He theatres were also very small, the fortune theatre only being 80ft square. The stage had three tiers; the main stage where most of the scenes would be performed, the tiring house which was used for scenes such as the witches’ cave in Macbeth and the gallery (upper stage) which was used for scenes such as the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. People in the Elizabethan times were extremely religious and believed in a â€Å"chain of being†. This is a hierarchical society that is divided into three sections, Heaven, Hell and Earth. They believed that everybody was born into a level and this could not change or chaos would ensue. Due to this belief the killing of king – known as regicide was regarded as the worst crime in the world as the king was god’s messenger on Earth. Macbeth was written for King James in around 1605. Because of whom it was written for Shakespeare had to change the character of Banquo to a â€Å"good guy† as it was one of James’ ancestors (Shakespeare actually borrowed the idea for the play from Ralph Holinheads’ chronicles). The play is about a Scottish nobleman ‘Macbeth’ who becomes king by murdering the previous king. The world is then thrown into disarray until eventually ‘Macbeth’ himself is killed and the true successor to the throne is crowned when order is restored. There are many themes in Macbeth many of which recur throughout the play. These include masculinity. Lady Macbeth always questions ‘Macbeth’s’ manhood whenever he doesn’t want to go through with something, which leads to ‘Macbeth’ doing whatever she wants him to. Linking with this is femininity, during the play Lady Macbeth refers to this when she calls for the spirits to â€Å"unsex† her. There is also the theme of darkness, which creeps up a few times during the course of the play. ‘Macbeth’ says to the stars as he is about to murder Duncan, â€Å"hide your fire, let not light see my black and deep desires.† Lady Macbeth also asks for darkness when she says, â€Å"come thee thick night, and pull thee in the dunnest smoke of hell.† Evil is regularly associated with darkness and these references show that there is an evil side to ‘Macbeth’ and Lady Macbeth. Perhaps the most important theme in the whole play however, is fate. Every character except from ‘Macbeth’ accepts fate and the fact that they don’t have any control over it. In the first scene ‘Macbeth’ is said to â€Å"disdain fortune† and later on in the play the witches lead ‘Macbeth’ to believe that he can have complete control of his destiny, which, he later realises he cannot. The ‘tragic hero’ is a character used quite often by Shakespeare. The tragic hero is a character who is noble, brave and good but always has one fatal flaw. In ‘Othello’ the fatal flaw is jealousy and in Macbeth the fatal flaw is ambition. The tragic hero’s fatal flaw will inevitably result in their death, hence the name ‘fatal flaw’. I am now going to work through the play discussing the question ‘Macbeth’-Hero or â€Å"Hellhound†. The play starts with thunder and lightning, which is seen as a reference to the Gunpowder Plot, which occurred around the same time as the play. The Elizabethan audience would recognise this and see the relevance because in both the case of the Gunpowder Plot and the play the intended victim was the king. The meeting of the witches is the first scene in Macbeth. This shows that the witches are a very important part of the play and they will be very influential during its course. The audience will know to be afraid of the witches because of the society of the time. To the Elizabethans witchcraft was a fact of life. We also discover that the witches are definitely a source of evil when they say, â€Å"fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air.† This shows that the witches are trying to disrupt the natural order, which, according to the chain of being will throw the universe into chaos. In the second scene we learn of ‘Macbeth’s’ bravery in battle. This where he is said to â€Å"disdain fortune† which shows us that he doesn’t believe in fate. We also find ‘Macbeth’ is a very strong fighter and that; he and other people believe that he is unbeatable in battle. An example of this is when the captain says, â€Å"yes as sparrows eagles: or hare the lion.† This is a reference to ‘Macbeth’s’ fighting ability and the fact that he is as scared as a lion would be of a hare. When the opposition army is refreshed and with new troops the captain says, â€Å"As cannons overcharg’d with double cracks, so they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe.† This shows the audience how ‘Macbeth’ but will make them wonder is he too bloody and over the top? ‘Macbeth’s’ first words in scene three are, â€Å"so foul and fair a day I have not seen.† The audience will pick up on this as it links in with what the witches say at the beginning of the play. The audience may also be a little disturbed by the way that ‘Macbeth’ seems to be acting now. The witches know what ‘Macbeth’s’ name is and this startles ‘Macbeth’ and the audience. They say â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Glamis.† The audience will now begin to realise just how powerful the witches are as this is little known information. They then say â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Cawdor.† Of course by now the audience will know that the Thane of Cawdor is a traitor but they don’t know how the witches have this knowledge. This will scare the audience and make them wary of the witches’ behaviour. Banquo mentions to ‘Macbeth’ that he should be happy by this news, â€Å"Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear things so fair?† This shows us that the witches have also startled ‘Macbeth’. Does this mean that ‘Macbeth’ can’t be too evil as he is scared of the witches or he is just shocked because he has already thought of murdering the king? Banquo also says that ‘Macbeth’ seems â€Å"rapt withal† so we wonder if he is deep in thought or under a witches spell. If ‘Macbeth’ is in fact under the witches’ spell then his actions throughout the rest of the play can’t really be seen as his fault. Banquo seems to be aware that the witches are evil although ‘Macbeth’ isn’t. â€Å"Cannot be ill. Cannot be god.† Is he just reassuring himself or is he really not aware that the witches are bad? ‘Macbeth’ thinks of murdering the king and is scared by his thoughts: â€Å"Why do I yield to that suggestions whose horrid image doth unfix my hair, and make my seated heart knock at my ribs, without the use of nature.† Again Banquo says, â€Å"look how our partners rapt† so again we wonder if he is under a spell or just deep in his thoughts. The way that this idea of ‘Macbeth’ being â€Å"rapt† could be Shakespeare’s way of telling the audience that ‘Macbeth’ is being controlled by something more powerful than just his mind or ambition. In the next scene Duncan announces that the successor to the throne will be his son. ‘Macbeth’ also declares his loyalty to the king when he becomes thane. The audience will already know that ‘Macbeth’ has had thoughts about killing the king and therefore will see this as ‘Macbeth’ being very two faced. ‘Macbeth’ also says in this scene: â€Å"the Prince of Cumberland: that is a step, on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap for of in my way it lies. Stars hide your fires let not light see my black and deep desires.† This reveals a lot about ‘Macbeth’s’ current train of thought. He is basically saying that the Prince of Cumberland is in his way and must be overcome. ‘Macbeth’ also becomes quite scary in this speech when he says the part about â€Å"Stars hide your fires†. This will symbolise to the audience that he is moving into darkness from light or more worryingly from good to bad. In scene five Lady Macbeth is introduced. She offers quite a lot of insight into ‘Macbeth’s’ character that hasn’t been mentioned before. She says, â€Å"Yet I do rear thy nature is too full of the milk of human kindness.† This is a feminine quality; she is basically that ‘Macbeth’ is not masculine – bloody enough. She also says that he is, â€Å"without the illness that should attend ambition.† This means that his ambition is pure but does not having that â€Å"illness† mean that ‘Macbeth’ doesn’t have a conscience? She says that he wants to do things the right way, â€Å"holily†, â€Å"wouldst not play false† and also that ‘Macbeth’ fears to do things. This shows us that Lady Macbeth has, perhaps, a confused idea of masculinity and femininity and also good and evil. Lady Macbeth’s behaviour echoes that of the witches as she calls upon the spirits to â€Å"unsex† her. We can also links with ‘Macbeth’ when she says, â€Å"come thee thick night, And pull thee in the dunnest smoke of hell.† Here she is calling for darkness like her husband did previously. ‘Macbeth’ arrives home at their castle and tells Lady Macbeth that Duncan will be staying for a night, to which Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"O never shall sun that morrow see.† This is a clear indication that she too wants the king to die. She tells ‘Macbeth’ to â€Å"look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.† ‘Macbeth’ says â€Å"we will speak further.† This shows the audience that ‘Macbeth’ hasn’t yet decided whether or not to kill the king. In scene six the king arrives at ‘Macbeth’s’ castle. In scene seven ‘Macbeth’ argues against killing the king by saying, â€Å"he’s here in double trust.† This means that it should be ‘Macbeth’s’ duty to protect the king and not try and kill him. He also says to Lady Macbeth, â€Å"we will proceed no further in this business.† Lady Macbeth retaliates to this by saying that ‘Macbeth’ is a coward and she follows it up by saying something extremely shocking. She says that she has had children but would rather rip the baby from her and kill it then break her vow to kill the king. This shows to us that it may not just be the witches who are proving to be a bad influence on ‘Macbeth’s’ mind. This causes ‘Macbeth’ to change his mind. Lady Macbeth outlines a plan to kill the king. Her idea is to get the king’s guards so drunk they fall asleep then Duncan will be unguarded. Once Duncan has been killed she will pour blood on the guards to make it look like they murdered him. ‘Macbeth’ ends the scene by saying, â€Å"I am settled.† He has decided to kill the king. We wonder whether this was perhaps his intention all along or was it Lady Macbeth’s intervention that pushed him to do it? In Act two scene one ‘Macbeth’ starts on his mission to kill the king. A dagger appears before him. There are lots of interpretations about what this means. Is ‘Macbeth’ going mad and just imagining it? Is the dagger really there? Is it a witches’ spell making him see it? Some versions of Macbeth actually show the dagger appearing before him while some don’t, as if it is in his mind. In scene two ‘Macbeth’ kills the king and is in a terrible state. He says, â€Å"I could not say amen.† This could be evidence that he is under a spell because if he was just evil it wouldn’t bother him that he couldn’t say amen. He also says, â€Å"me thought I heard a voice cry, sleep no more.† This shows that ‘Macbeth’ is both hearing and seeing things. This will make the audience wonder if ‘Macbeth’ has truly gone mad or if he just feels guilty about it. In scene three we see the chain of being has been disrupted and chaos is ensuing when it is said, â€Å"some say the earth was feverous, and did shake.† Also in this scene Macduff finds the king dead. ‘Macbeth’ kills the servants. Is this ‘Macbeth’ being careful and cautious or just bloody? In the first scene of act three we realise that Banquo suspects ‘Macbeth’ of getting in to the position he is in more by foul play than coincidence. â€Å"I fear thou play’dst most foully for ‘t.† We wonder whether Banquo suspects ‘Macbeth’ because he knows that ‘Macbeth’ is capable of doing this. ‘Macbeth’ says, â€Å"to be this is nothing but to be safely this.† ‘Macbeth’ is pondering whether he should kill Banquo, after all he saw the witches and he knows what ‘Macbeth’ is doing. He also says, † come fate, into the list.† ‘Macbeth’ is personifying fate again, which links with when he is said to â€Å"disdain fortune.† This is very important because it shows that ‘Macbeth’ is now acting against the witches as he has decided to kill Banquo and his son. This time however ‘Macbeth’ gets â€Å"murderers† to kill Banquo. Is this because he is too scared? Does he still feel some loyalty to Banquo? Or is he just being more devious? He says to Lady Macbeth, â€Å"Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chick.† This is a huge step for ‘Macbeth’ because the murder is all his own planning and no witches or wife are persuading him. He also says, however, â€Å"O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife.† This shows that, again, ‘Macbeth’ is showing some remorse. This shows us that ‘Macbeth’ does not become purely evil immediately. In scene four Lady Macbeth says ‘Macbeth’ is â€Å"womann’d.† In Shakespeare language this means that it is good to be kind, good to be scared. Theses are all necessary parts of being a hero, not a villain. In this scene Banquo’s ghost appears before ‘Macbeth’. We wonder again, as with the dagger, is this a spell, a hallucination or just his guilty conscience playing tricks on him. ‘Macbeth’ says â€Å"I will to-morrow (And betimes I will) to the weird sisters, more shall they speak.† ‘Macbeth’ is going to see the witches. He knows that he has gone too far and cannot be good again. He has â€Å"embraced evil.† â€Å"For know I am bent to know the worst means the worst.† The audience will now wonder whether this is ‘Macbeth’ being brave or just purely evil. In scene five the queen witch says that ‘Macbeth’ isn’t linked with the witches. The audience will wonder is the witch lying? And also is this good or bad? If ‘Macbeth’ is linked with the witches then they can be blamed for his actions but, if what the witches are saying is true then ‘Macbeth’ is responsible for his own actions. Act four scene one. The witches produce apparitions as they talk to ‘Macbeth’. The audience will link this with the dagger and Banquo’s ghost and will now believe that the witches are the cause of these images. The witches’ first warning to ‘Macbeth’ is clear. â€Å"Beware Macduff, beware the Thane of Fife.† The second apparition is a bit more cryptic. â€Å"for none of woman born shall harm ‘Macbeth’.† The witches know that they are tricking ‘Macbeth’. At first ‘Macbeth’ decides not to Macduff as he thinks he can’t be harmed by him but then changes his mind to be on the safe side. This is another example of one of the many times ‘Macbeth’ goes a bit over the top by killing people. The third apparition tells ‘Macbeth’ that he will be safe until the wood marches up to the castle. This makes ‘Macbeth’ feel safe as he thinks, that the wood can’t march and that everyone is woman born. The audience however, will know not to trust what the witches say. In act five scene two we see some peoples’ opinions of ‘Macbeth’. â€Å"Tyrant, mad and valiant fury† are all mentioned. The audience will know that ‘Macbeth’s’ reign is likely to come to an end. In scene three ‘Macbeth’ learns that the English are marching into Scotland. ‘Macbeth’ says, â€Å"I’ll fight till from my bones, my flesh be hack’d!† This is another point in the play where ‘Macbeth’ is very bloodthirsty and over the top. In scene five ‘Macbeth’ hears a scream. Lady Macbeth has died. He says: â€Å"I have almost forgot the taste of fears, the time has been, my senses would have cool’d to hear a night-shriek, and my fell of hair would at dismal treatise rouse and stir as if like were in lit.† This isn’t a good sign as it shows that ‘Macbeth’ has gone too far. He also says: â€Å"She should have died hereafter, there would have been a time for such a word, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in the pretty face from day to day.† This shows that ‘Macbeth’ is accepting that he will be defeated and wants death now. ‘Macbeth’ also learns that Burnham wood is coming to the castle. He says, â€Å"at least we’ll die with harness on our back.† The audience will wonder of this is noble and heroic or is he really mad? It also shows that ‘Macbeth’ â€Å"disdain fortune† once again. In scene seven ‘Macbeth’ realises that he has been tricked by the witches when he says, â€Å"they have tied me to a stake, I cannot fly, but bear like I must fight the course.† The audience may now feel a little bit sorry for ‘Macbeth’, as all that he can do now is fight. â€Å"Turn hell hound, turn.† Macduff yells to ‘Macbeth’ to which ‘Macbeth’ replies no. He decides that he doesn’t want to kill Macduff as he has already killed all of his family. Is this ‘Macbeth’ showing some compassion to Macduff by not fighting him or is it just arrogance? ‘Macbeth’ realises what the witches were talking about when Macduff says he was born by caesarean section – not born of a woman. Even though he now knows this he still wants to fight. The audience will wonder if this is ‘Macbeth’ trying to â€Å"disdain fortune† once again. Macduff kills ‘Macbeth’ in the fight, as the witches predicted. Malcolm says, â€Å"this dead butcher.† This isn’t really a very good description of ‘Macbeth’ as he perhaps had good reason to kill some of the people that he did and some of his other murders could be seen as ‘Macbeth’ being cautious rather than bloody and over the top. When the king’s named successor returns to the throne, the chain of being is back in order and the play ends. ‘Macbeth’ has been killed and order has been restored.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Word Order in a Noun Phrase and English Anaphors

WORD ORDER IN NP AND ENGLISH ANAPHORS Tereza Stifnerova The purpose of this essay is firstly to show the word order of a noun phrase (NP) and how the head noun of the NP can be post- and pre-modified, and secondly to focus on meaning of some examples of English anaphors and the distinctions between them and their Czech translations. The first part is going to aim on the internal structure of NPs. Complex nominal phrase consists of the pre-modifying elements, the head noun and the post-modifying elements.The so-called pre-modifiers can be divided into two groups: determiners and prenominals. We have to say that „determiners are obligatory and uniqueâ€Å" (Veselovska:86), and they have a specific place in the noun phrase – they are at the beginning. Among determiners we arrange also the possesives (my, your, etc. ). These two (determiners and possesives) are shown in (1). (1) a/the/my/mum’s mug Prenominals are the adjectives and secondary adjectives between the de terminers and the head noun.They are optional, which means they do not have to be in the NP, and they are recursive – it means they are not lined up in a very strict order, but there are some semantic features which affect the order. (2) a. the small old blue wooden box b. ? the wooden blue old small box c. small the old blue wooden box Post-modifiers, or postnominals, can also have a fixed or a relatively free order. Among elements of these category belong multiple prepositional phrases (3-4), verbs with infinitive or in the –ing form (5-6), clauses (relative clause) (7), complex adjectival phrases (8) and of-phrases (9). 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) the gift for Jane from Peter ? the gift from Peter to Jane a girl to watch the lector teaching history the gift which you gave me a girl [AP more beautiful than me ] the student of philology Except the last one, the others can be lined up after the head noun in a relatively free order. (10) a book of fairytales tied with a blue ribbon for my daughter As I said, the of-phrase has a fixed place in a word order of a NP – it has to follow the head noun immediately because it is adjacent to the noun. 11) a. an office of the teacher with the white door b. * an office with the white door of the teacher In the second part I am going to translate some examples of English anaphors into Czech and then discuss the meanings of them and I will also try to show the distinctions between English and Czech forms. Here are the examples in English: (a1) Theyi killed themk. (b1) Theyi killed themselvesi. (c1) Theyi killed each otheri. And the translation into Czech: (a2) Oni je zabili. (b2) Oni se zabili. (c2) Oni se zabili (navzajem).The example (a1) has the index i with the pronoun they and the index k with the accusative case of the pronoun they, which means that the pronoun they have a meaning of „peopleâ€Å", which are NOT the people included in the meaning of them, i. e. them has the so-called disjoin ed refference. The following examples (12), (13) and (14) show that in English the nominative and accusative cases of the pronoun they are used to mark different (groups of) people. (12) (13) (14) The thievesi killed themk. The thievesi killed the thievesk. *The thievesi killed the thievesi. the thieves ? them > they are not the same thieves so they cannot have the same index The example (b1) has the index i in both cases – it means that they and themselves includes the same people. Because themselves is a reflexive pronoun, we know that the group of people indicated in they is the same group of people as in themselves. In the example (c1) is shown the same as in the example (b1), although in this case the second pronoun is reciprocal so we know that the group of people included in they consists – in this case – of two people.It means that the first one killed the second one and conversely the second one killed the first one. It means that the reciprocals  ¾require the antecedent to be plural (the action or relation takes place between the members of the set, reciprocally). â€Å" (Veselovska:104) These anaphors in (b1) and (c1) are also called syntactic anaphors. „Syntactic anaphors have a hierarchically higher antecedent, which means they must be bound in the same clause, usually in the position of Subject or Agentâ€Å" (Veselovska:104) as in (15) and (16). (15) (16) We saw ourselves in the mirror. To educate oneself is a choice of every person. urselves > Subject oneself > Agent (of educating) In Czech it is different. The first example (a2) is very simple – the pronouns clearly state who killed whom. Oni killed je, which means one group of people killed the other one. The examples (b2) and (c2) are in Czech similar in form but different in meaning. Nevertheless, in the second case we can optionally add the word navzajem, so it would be more clear who killed whom but basically, the reflexive pronoun se is universal in Czech. BIBLIOGRAPHY Veselovska, Ludmila. A Course In English Morpho-Syntax. UP Olomouc, 2009

Child Is The Father Of Man

The child-life is a hiding place of mans` power where man must seek it with all his mature faculties. Our tradition asserts that â€Å"Home is the best school and parents are the first and best teachers†. This thought has been a continuous source of inspiration for our society to protect the creative and spirited life of the child.Today, the situation is absolutely averse. Growing restlessness and stress in small kids is something very strange but a harsh truth, which was not existent in past times. When our parents or their parents tells how easy, joyful and carefree their childhood was, it seems to our coming generations as a fairy tale, not possible in these days. Erich Fromm once said that â€Å"the danger of the past was that men became slaves but the danger of the future is that men may become robots†, and that is what we are beginning to face.We are living in an age where there is no scope in our life-style which can nurture and evolve self-born genius in every c hild. Parents think it normal to admit child in school very early where within a few months small becomes an obedient bull to carry the load of heavy school bag upon their back. We people appreciate this pattern very well on the name of education without being bothered that it has been killing the innocent spirits and dormant potentials before they get manifest.‘A child,’ said William Wordsworth, a famous poet, ‘is the Father of Man’. What he means here is that everyone`s mature imagination faintly follows out the traces of the childish-fancies, innocence and wonder visions?Sources of joy and fun play and merriment in the past are now supplemented mechanically by video-games and computers. Conventional ways of growth i.e.-idea of building character in manifolds is un-deliberately forsaken. Young-ones are temped to emulate their all habits from these unscrupulous resources with disastrous consequences. Together with this they come to know all the tact and ug ly information in a very tender age, what they really should not. Such unwanted things fed into the young minds, ultimately stifles the possible manifestation of the right conduct, characters and inherent creativity.The worst role in un-shaping the tender mind is played by our modern pattern of education through unsystematic institutional body. Displaying the meaning of education in terms of marks, grades or merits has increased immense pressure on the young learner, which not only brushes aside all the creative faculties but also leads young ones often to emotional and mental breakdowns. Every year after results we meet with such news that a boy or girl has committed suicide after unsatisfactory performance.There is a must situation today that thinking people within educational regulatory bodies and in our society together rise to resolve this serious but long neglected problem. It is true that in our world today, to discriminate what is going on right track and what is not, becaus e everyone claims to be on right direction. But, a simple question always remains to be answered that if we are really heading correctly then why we reach at wrong ends.Does it not signify that there is a need of great introspection, yes we do? This is so because regarding this problem, no policy or educational reform alone would be able to mould and protect the healthy future of child unless it is decided individually ‘for what are we marching forward’, what is the result of such a bone-broken hard work due for a small child. To gain what values in life we indulge him in such un-deliberate state of affairs.It is true that to resolve it means to swim against the tide, but if we want to save our children from becoming robots and if we want this phrase ‘Child is the father of Man’ to remain true in the test of time, we must have to penetrate, introspect and work positively, for there can be no better way than this.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What are the distinctive features of Christian democracy Essay

What are the distinctive features of Christian democracy - Essay Example A Christian democratic government is therefore reform-minded on national economic and fiscal issues. The Christian democrats in Europe more or less follow their Christian leanings and try to apply this in their governmental policies when formulating these policies. But on the other hand, the Christian democrats in other parts of the world (such as in Latin America) are more inclined to the left-of-centre in their political views while their European counterparts can be said to be located towards the right-of-centre of the political spectrum. However, both type of Christian democrats can be said to favour using Christian teachings in their policies. This short paper discusses the distinctive features of a Christian democratic institution. Hopefully, it will enlighten the reader on the various shades of what constitutes the Christian democracy as it is being practised today and help understand how current world events often are shaped by the views of these Christian democratic governments in power. Conservatism and Christian democracy are almost the same in many respects, except for their perceived link to organised religion and the adoption of religious values (Hanley, 1996:32). Christian democracy is primarily an attempt to apply humanitarian principles in matter of political thought. However, because Christian democracy embraces a lot of different ideas, it is sometimes very difficult to categorize it into a single clear-cut ideology. In other words, a political ideology like Christian democracy can significantly evolve over a period of time and in their different political landscapes or context. It has elements in it that are sometimes more in common with conservatism, liberalism and even socialism. These features make it difficult to classify it as a specific ideology but these same features make it distinctive. Traditional Moral Values – the ideology of Christian democracy,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Corporate finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Corporate finance - Essay Example It was also able to maintain total dividend per share at the level of 33.00p. Even in the turbulent market scenario, it managed to increase its sale of life and pensions by 11 percent. Total life and pensions sale became 36,283 million pounds. Sale of general insurance also increased. (Aviva Plc. 2009; Annual Report of 2008) a) Weighted average cost of capital: Cost of capital to a firm is generally defined as the opportunity costs of investors for making their investment in the firm. When an investor invests his fund in a particular firm, he actually looses other opportunities of investing his funds in other securities having risks equivalent to risks of the security of the firm he is actually investing his fund in. hence, if a firm fails to earn a return on capital at least equal to its weighted average cost of capital (WACC), it actually destroys its value. If a firm manages to earn a return that is greater than its weighted average cost of capital, it becomes successful to create value. On the other hand, if it manages to earn a return exactly equal to its weighted average cost of capital, then it neither loose nor create any value. WACC can be defined as the rate that a firm is expected pay for financing its asset. It is actually the minimum level of return that a company needs to earn on its exist ing asset base for satisfying its creditors, its owners, as well other providers of capital.( (Miles and Ezzell, 1980; â€Å"Weighted average Cost of Capital†) The weight of equity can be defined as the ratio of market capitalization to the market value of the firm and the weight of debt can be defined as the ratio of market value of debt to the market value of the firm. Total market value of firm is generally measured by summing total market value of equity and total market value of debt. (Miles and Ezzell, 1980; Fama, 1970; Fama, 1991) Cost of equity is generally treated as the return that the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Violence in Video Games - Does it train to kill Essay

Violence in Video Games - Does it train to kill - Essay Example For example, a nationwide conversation ensued regarding what connection video games had to the 1999 Columbine High School massacre where two students murdered 13 and wounded 23 before killing themselves. While many motivations were likely involved, it is not possible to identify precisely what provoked these teenagers to shoot their classmates and teachers but violent video games have been mentioned as one possible contributing factor. The two students had often played Doom, a brutal and bloody firearms game that is used by the military to teach the U.S. armed forces how to kill more efficiently. To what degree this game influenced the actions of these two youths has been argued since this incident. The entertainment media, it is widely accepted, is an extremely influential factor in everyone’s lives. â€Å"What behaviors children and adults consider appropriate comes, in part, from the lessons we learn from television and the movies† (Huesmann & Miller, 1994). It is re asonable to expect video games, especially those that portray violence, will have similar and possibly a more expansive effect on violent behavior. Currently, few papers exist which have thoroughly studied the connection between violent video game and subsequent violent actions. As video games are progressively becoming more ferocious and explicit as well as more prevalent, additional research continues to suggest that violent video games have significant capability to affect the impressionable minds of the young people who play them and illuminate to parents the risks associated with these games. When video games first appeared about 30 years ago, they were simplistic and seemingly innocuous. Atari pioneered the video game with Pong in the mid-1970’s which was a video version of table tennis. The 1980’s saw arcade games such as Asteroids and Pac-Man become popular. â€Å"In Pac-Man, a yellow orb with a mouth raced around the screen chomping up ghosts and goblins. At this point,

Friday, July 26, 2019

The author of choice Is Langston Hughes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The author of choice Is Langston Hughes - Essay Example By looking at works by DuBois, Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglass, some of the history and literary context can be established while other authors such as Minnick and Wolfram help to provide insight into the technical elements, such as the use of dialect, used in Hughes’ writing. Spearman and Moore expand knowledge of Hughes the man as well as the lesser known writings while Mogan’s analysis of â€Å"Cubes† helps to illustrate the strong connections between Hughes’ poetry and the world around him. Hughes, Langston. (1995). The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. New York: Vintage Classics. This book is exactly what it claims to be, a collection of poems written by Langston Hughes. What makes this book unique is that the editors have worked to gather together all of Hughes’ known poems and present them in chronological order by approximate composition date as well as in the final rendition as it had been left by Hughes. By presenting the poems in this way, the reader can begin to trace the prevalent themes of the major eras of Hughes’ life, including the ‘race’ poems, the ‘protest’ poems and the ‘children’s’ poems. At the same time, the concentrated presentation brings forward the sense of music that is built into Hughes’ work, preserving this element of the culture in the cadence and language used. This book is helpful to the present research in that it informs the reader of what was most important to Hughes a t differing stages of his life. In combination with his journalistic works when applicable, the poems highlight the differences between Hughes’ vision and those of his predecessors or contemporaries and captures the sound and cadence of the black people of Harlem at this point in history. By telling the story in their own ‘language’ or linguistic style, the poet is able to preserve more of the intended meaning and nuance expressed within his culture and therefore convey much

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How can omniscience and free will be recociled Essay

How can omniscience and free will be recociled - Essay Example Therefore, if God is omniscient, then He has the knowledge of what mankind will do in the future. The activities that he will undertake in coming days are already known by Him. Hence, the question of free will in human beings arises. Because God knows everything, then human beings do not have free will. In its definition, free will is described as the ability to make voluntary choices. It is the ability of an individual to choose something without being influenced by other factors. For example, God knows what you will do tomorrow or a day later or even know what you are going to request Him in prayer so that your wishes can be fulfilled. Because of the idea that God is omniscient and thus knows everything in this world that takes place, human beings do not have the choice of doing what they want, whenever they want to or in whichever manner. This is because their actions have already been pre determined by God. This idea that God controls all our actions right from being formed in the womb and being born into the world until our dieing days, has made some theologians state otherwise. They say that God knows everything but his omniscience is one that does not predetermine the actions of His creation. This has thus given rise to two types of omniscience in trying to describe God. Total omniscience was the first description of God. ... In this ideology, God before creating the Universe had already prepared the destiny of His creation and therefore some people have already been chosen to enter heaven on judgment day. This eliminates the idea of free will in humans in determining their destiny. An example of this idea that God exhibits total omniscience is evident in the Bible. In the book of Jeremiah chapter five, in verse five it is said that before we were born, God knew us as before putting us in our mothers' wombs. This statement by God shows that He already knew what His intentions for the world were. The other definition of God is of inherent omniscience. In this definition, God is described as limiting His ability in knowing everything by choice and thus favors the aspect of free will in humans. In the Biblical book of Deuteronomy in chapter 30, God allows free will in humans by stating that He has given them the choice between life and death. That if mankind abides by God's goodness he will enjoy eternal life in heaven. If he is devoid of goodness, then he is bound to leave his life after death in hell with Satan. Hence, the definition that God exhibits inherent omniscience is what is upheld by many theologians and other religious people. If He only showed total omniscience, then human beings would not have the ability to make their own choices. Everything they do would not be voluntarily generated but unknowingly fostered by God's command on His creation. (Stewart & Taylor) Because of the inherent omniscience of God, omniscience and humans' free will can be reconciled. God has given mankind the ability to choose his own destiny through the ten commands that were handed down to Moses in Mount Sinai. With the presentation of these commandments, God showed that He does not control the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What caused the Euro crises of 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What caused the Euro crises of 2010 - Essay Example To reiterate, the euro crisis was but a function of lack of a common regulatory system to moderate free-riding and/or inject firepower to member states [economies] faced with insolvency risks, and that other factors such as the globalization of finance as well as the global recession that followed the 2007-2009 global financial crisis only added fodder to a system precariously on the edge. The Eurozone as originally structured was more of a gentleman’s agreement requiring member states to follow a similar fiscal path, yet with much weird freedom to follow own fiscal policies that includes masking of internal monetary undertakings. This feature brought on board fiscally free riding peripheral economies as represented by Greece economic dynamics; pursuing parallel fiscal policies in total disregard of the Maastricht treaty, under which member nations had pledged to limit their debt spending (Cameron 2012; European Commission 2008). Though Greece became the pillar of focus in a crisis that has proved counterproductive to a number of the austerity measures implemented, the pursuit of wealth in non-approved mechanisms were widespread across Europe, with quite a number of states securing future cash flows [via sovereign rights]; in effect, providing governments with a vehicle to raise future revenues that kept up with the debt targets, but in contravention to the lon g regarded conventional best practices and internationally agreed standards: â€Å"In â€Å"Boomerang† Mr. Lewis captures the utter folly and madness that spread across both sides of the Atlantic during the last decade, as individuals, institutions and entire nations mindlessly embraced instant gratification over long-term planning, the too good to be true over common sense† (Kakutani 2011). Like the bursting of the US housing bubble that ignited a second global financial crisis in less than a

Owning vs. Renting - phase 3 ip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Owning vs. Renting - phase 3 ip - Essay Example The bank is going to ask for a down payment. A down payment can range between 10 to 20%. Let’s assume I have the down payment money. The bank is also going to ask for closing cost on the mortgage. The average closing cost is 3%, but in certain states it can go up as high as 5% to 6% (Federalreserve). I am making about $4000 a month gross, but clean I’m taking home a little less than $3,000 a month. Assuming I put a 10% down payment the high price range of a home based on my salary would be $200,000 on a 30 year mortgage. My mortgage payment assuming a 6% interest rate would be $1079.19 (Yahoo). After doing some research on the prices of apartments in our hometown of Austin, Texas I determined that I can find an apartment for rent for about $800. For example a two bedroom, one bath apartment at the Walnut Creek Crossing complex cost $805 a month (Apartments). A one room could be found for about $200 less per month, but it is better to have a second room for either a home office or as a guest room when friends or relatives come over. Along with the mortgage or rent payment another factor that must be considered are insurance costs. The insurance costs are much higher for the buying alternative than for the leasing. Homeowners insurance is mandatory for people that have mortgages because in case of an accident that destroys the home somebody has to pay for it. Home owner’s insurance policy is divided into two parts: a) home insurance property protection, b) home insurance liability protection (Answers). Renters can also have insurance protection to protect their personal items in case of natural disaster, but this type of insurance is not mandatory. Another cost to consider when buying a home is the state taxes that must be paid on the property on a yearly basis. After evaluating both alternatives I have come to realization that the best option for me at this point in my life is to rent

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tony Kushner's Angels in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tony Kushner's Angels in America - Essay Example play who has been infected by AIDS and this thinking is reflected when he "feels dirty" as if his heart is "pumping polluted blood." as he is seen to be hallucinating in his struggle with the "angels" as to the reason Earth has been cursed by Aids.(Kushner,P.34) and his deteriorating condition finds him being drawn to "cosmologieswith no judgment, no guilt, or responsibility" (p,42).The play has heavy undertones of Angelic symbolism originating from the traditional religious systems which is so characteristic of the sociological magnum opuses of the likes of Emile Durkheim and Peter Berger. The play demonstrates the rise and re-rise of Angel Imagery in the America of the nineties. In "Angels in America, Roy Cohn ,another character of the play who says the classic dialogue just after being told by his doctor that he too has AIDS (Cadden, 1995). when he states ,'Homosexuals are not men who sleep with other men,' Cohn says. 'Homosexuals are men who in fifteen years of trying cannot get a pissant antidiscrimination bill through City Council. Homosexuals are men who know nobody and who nobody knows. Who have zero clout. Does this sound like me'" (Kushner: 2003:45). This dialogue shows the how the irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay and lesbian people, or their culture manifests itself in an internalized way especially with in the ideals of people like Cohn as he blasts the minority for their lack of power and marginalization in the society and ends of hating them as a whole. Yet another of Kushner' endlessly provocative and rich thematic concerns manifest themselves in one of the main relationships in the play between Joe Pitt and his wife, Harper. As a young Republican Mormon he is a close friend of Roy Cohn, who is also Joe's surrogate father. And their conversations about the changing American culture reflect the events post 9/11 showing the heaving political over tones of this drama. All in all Kushner's highest achievement in this play is his success in dramatizing the difference of opinion within America's so called "melting pot culture" and ability to juggle comedy and tragedy up till the point when Cohn dies in agony; and Joe and Harper are left alone showing some home for their future. The Play has not however always received a positive response, and had to go through varying amounts of political and literary attack and people has objected the play's portrayal of Gay people as "martyrs" and largely condemned as an attack on American Value's particularly by the religious community. Although the supporters of the play were not just amongst the gay community but the admirers came from all sections of the community based upon its moving depiction of the pain suffered by AIDS victims. The last scene of the play (Part 1-Millenium Approaches) shows an Angel which breaks through the ceiling of Prior Walter's room in the hospital and there is a message which says

Monday, July 22, 2019

Compare and Contrast 1984-Brave New World Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast 1984-Brave New World Essay â€Å" Do you see, then, what kind of world we are creating? † (Orwell, 1950 p. 267)George Orwell, author of 1984 released in 1950, present the idea of a society that proves to be a dystopia as it is completely based on fear and rarely does one see happiness while in the other hand, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World presents the idea of a functional utopia were feelings are destroyed and no one is unhappy because they don’t know happiness but all this could change by the hands of one outcast. These two societies ruled in different ways-one through fear and the other through psychological and physical manipulation- present successful ways to maintain order and power, although they differ greatly and outcasts have different aims and uses. In a society where fear is predominant, physical and mental capacities reach a stagnant state as the will to survive and loyalty become predominant. In a different society where men are created to the liking of their rulers and are controlled with drugs instead of fear, the meaning of a utopia can disappear but yet subjects will think everything is perfect. Finally a sense of false equality, manipulation, and fear allow total and utter control. In societies like the ones depicted in these two books, nothing is perfect and nothing is true. Members of these communities cannot know what is true because this will make them become dangerous to their leaders. The use of fear in 1984 and the idea of Big Brother facilite control as the idea of constant surveillance and Thought Police puts everything a member of this society does to the test and when they make a false move, they know they are done for. The scene where Winston talks about two plus two not being for or if Gravity is a force that works really depicts the kind of fear installed by the party. â€Å"The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not only that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? † (Orwell, 1950 p. 80). As explained by the quote, doubting whatever the party said could end up in negative ramifications. It is incredible how people can adjust to these changes. Things that seem so simple be questioned and believed, which is even worse. The mutability of the party’s adherents is astonishing as they change whenever the part needs them to follow the most ridiculous ideas as if they were normal and all of this is achieved through fear. Winston also mentions the fact that your mind can fail you. â€Å"The most deadly danger of all was talking in your sleep. There was no way of guarding against that, so far as he could see. † (Orwell, 1950 p. 64). Even thinking erroneously about the parties flaws and going against their ideas can be lethal as sleep talking cannot be controlled and can always be heard. The third example of fear and its installment in Winston’s mind is when he receives the letter from Julia. â€Å"One, much the more likely, was that the girl was an agent of the Thought Police (†¦) the thing that was written on the paper might be a threat, a summon, an order to commit suicide, a trap of some description. (Orwell, 1950 p. 106). This displays how fear can make something normal seem completely hazardous and how reliance on others can be purged as you do not know what to expect from anyone. Even though people may be unhappy, this demonstrates to be successful as no one goes against the status quo. In contrast to 1984, Brave New World doesn’t need fear since if they want change, they create new beings to change or just bring out soma but still, control is maintained. Physical and psychological manipulation gives a sense of order even though it is non-existent, and drug use maintains a false control that seems alright to everyone inside that sphere however, when someone notices this false control, he will become a problem. In Huxley’s Brave New World, which is supposed to be a Utopia, equality is not present and this is what a utopia is supposed to be about. Within the social classes, the top ones still think of the lower ones as useless and basically inferior. Lenina demonstrates this through the following quote. â€Å"What a hideous colour khaki is,† remarked Lenina, voicing the hypnopaedic prejudices of her caste. † (Huxley, 1946, p. 42). This quote demonstrates that even messages coming from the government promote separatist ideas and at the same time they promote equality. Drug use and psychological manipulation allows this to maintain epsilons happy with how they are, also maintaining absolute control over society. Hypnopaedia as seen before, doesn’t always promote the values of a Utopia as it should. Another hypnopaedic message demonstrating this is â€Å"Every one works for everyone else. We can’t do without any one. Even Epsilons are useful. We couldn’t do without Epsilons. Every one works for everyone else. We can’t do without anyone. † (Huxley, 1946, p. 50). The use of Soma is a very important factor as it is a way of escaping the reality of a supposed utopia that in reality is everything but a utopia. â€Å"Why you don’t take soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours. You’d forget all about them. And instead of feeling miserable, you’d be jolly. So jolly,† she repeated and smiled (†¦)† (Huxley, 1946, p. 62). It is very important to realize how this method of control still proves to be successful and allows organization for the government to preserve. Whether it’s installing fear, secret organizations, and complete surveillance or actually creating subjects, it is evident that both methods are thriving as they sustain order and undemanding management of society. Winston, who was the soul and heart of change in 1984 , ended up failing and the idea, person, or whatever Big Brother is, who he hated the most actually ended up taking over him and it is mentioned in the novel. He won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. † (Orwell, 1950 p. 268) The only man who was capable of causing change and denouncing the artificiality his government was based on. Fear has now proved to be a functioning method of control. In comparison to Brave New World, the outsider and only man capable of making others realize the lie they lived in ended up killing himself. â€Å"Slowly, very slowly, like two unhurried compass needles, the feet turned towards the right; north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-south- west; then paused, and, after a few seconds, turned as unhurriedly back towards the left. South-south-west, south, south-east, east.. † (Huxley, 1946 p. 176) This also verifies the effectiveness of this method and according to this, both men failed to change the status quo. By the end of both novels, no change was made and both fear and manipulation proved to be effective ways of maintaining control. As the predominance of both fear and manipulation grow, methods of changing society and its governance method become scarce and even those who go to extremes find themselves with unfeasible situations where physical and mental capacity will be pushed to new limits but yet, not enough to revolutionize their societies. This is mainly due to most of those who have been subjected and accepted the reality in which they live in, which is what both Winston and John go through but their ways to accept it, were vastly different. Even though there are some with strong minds and others who have not been toyed with, it will never be enough to fight fear nor manipulation of the human being.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Main Forces Promoting Globalization Economics Essay

The Main Forces Promoting Globalization Economics Essay Karl Marx wrote in the 1848 in the Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (The Communist Manifesto) that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾in place of the old local and national seclusion and self sufficiency we have exchanges in every direction, leading to the universal interdependence of nations. Therefore, we can conclude that globalization as a force for economic, political and social change is not a new phenomenon. In this essay I will extract what were the driving forces of globalization at the end of the 20th and 19th century and compare them to reach a conclusion of whether these two centuries experienced the same type of globalization. To start with, there are disputes amongst academics on what globalization really is. Globalization is a historically complex term and itself it could be a huge topic of global discussion and many articles. However, I will firstly give two definitions of this phenomenon in order to make it clearer to understand how important is the subject of this essay. Therefore, globalization isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies to a degree never witnessed before-in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before . . . . the spread of free-market capitalism to virtually every country in the world (T.L. Friedman, (1990) The Lexus and the Olive Tree, p. 7-8). Andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The historical transformation constituted by the sum of particular forms and instances of . . . . making or being made global (i) by the active dissemination of practices, values, technology and other human products throughout the globe (ii) when global practices and so on exercise an increasing influence over peoples lives (iii) when the globe serves as a focus for, or a premise in shaping, human activities (M. Albrow, (1996) The Global Age, p. 88). As we have now acquired the formal definition of globalization, lets outline what were the sources of globalization in the late 20th century. One of the main causes behind globalization in the 20th century was technological innovation. Quickly changing technologies used in transport and communications continued to disband the barriers of time and distance that were making long range relationships between countries more difficult. In the 20th century, the most important technological innovations that changed international relations were the jet-plane, satellites and the World Wide Web. For example, this means that between 1930 to 1990, average air transport revenue per passenger mile fell from $0.68 to $0.11 (in 1990 dollars) and the cost of 3-minutes call from New York to London fell from $244.65 to $3.32 (and the total volume of international telephone calls more than doubled in just six years during the 1990s, from 33 billion minutes in 1990 to 70 billion minutes in 1996). Next factor of globalization at the end of the 20th century were decreasing trade barriers, lower tariffs and fewer non-tariff trade barriers. For example, by 2000, the average tariffs of developed countries were 3.8%, while developing countries average tariffs were 12.3%. Moreover, a rising population in less-developed and prosperous areas frequently has triggered emigration to areas of economic prospect and the need for energy and industrial raw materials to help developed economies also affected the globalization process by promoting greater flow of goods (and therefore enhanced the interdependence of international economies). Finally, leadership has also contributed to the movement of globalization in the late 20th century. Had the United States (as the worlds leading economic and military power in the 20th century) not committed its public policy to promote an open international economic system, it is probable that the globalization process would have taken a different course an d not necessarily an advantageous one. What is more, the end of the 20th century experienced the rise of new markets that set off globalization which led to the international trade in goods and services figuring up to more than $7 trillion this represents more than $1000 per person which is an astounding figure. But, what was really new was the spectacular rise of a global capital market. This made it relatively easy for anyone with capital to trade anytime and everyday with almost every country of the world. For instance, in 1998, around $1.5 trillion exchanged hands on the worlds currency markets every day. Furthermore, by analysing the 19th century globalization, ORourke and Williamson highlighted the outcomes of the fall in transportation costs. In their opinion, the major fall in transportation costs (firstly lowered by the steamboat, and then lowered even more by the railroads) was the main factor in interconnecting distant markets; the decline in international transport costs after the middle of the century was enormous. When academics analyse this period, they tend to ignore the decline in transportation costs and focus instead on tariffs and international trade. However, tariffs in the world economy did not fall until World War I and therefore the globalization that appeared in the late 19th century cannot be qualified as a consequence of a more liberal trade policy. As a result, the decline in transport costs alone contributed greatly to commodity market integration across the Atlantic economies. What is more, the reasoning above seems controversial to the advocates of the argument that the primary factor driving market integration during the late 19th century was trade policy. Still, although the result of Englands move to free trade did contribute to a more closer market integration, by the end of the 19th century, only few European economies stood firmly in the free trade camp. The commodity prices continued to reduce across distant Atlantic economies during these years and this further shows the relative importance of falling transport costs. Just as the decrease in transport costs expanded commodity market integration, according to Jeffrey Williamson mass migrations also helped to bring about greater wage convergence in the Atlantic economies in the late 19th century. Immigration led to the movement from the labour-full countries of the Old Europe to the labour-limited countries of the New World, and this adjusted wages accordingly (high wages in the New World began to d ecrease and the low wages in the European countries began to increase). The convergence was everywhere in the late 19th century Atlantic economy, as wages and living standards in Europe began to catch up with the wages in the New World countries. In addition, we can also talk about the involvement of technology (e.g. the telegraph), financial institutions (the gold standard), and politics (the relative international political and economic harmony) which have led to capital integration. Lastly, capitalism  has  been  another influence on globalization. In the late 1850s, Karl Marx estimated in 1859 in his Grundrisse der Kritik der Politischen Ekonomie (A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy) that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾capital by its nature drives beyond every spatial barrier to conquer the whole Earth for its market. Global markets of the 19th century offered opportunity to increase profits through higher volumes of sale. In addition, larger production supplied global markets with the assurance of increased profits as a result of the economies of scale. Capitalists admired globalization because it allowed production facilities to be located in places where costs are lowest and earnings greatest. As we can now comprehend, both globalization of the 19th century and the 20th century are rather similar. The main factor behind this phenomenon in these periods was the fall in transport costs. In the 19th century it were the steamboat and rail whereas in the late 20th century it were the plane, satellites and the Internet that reduced the costs of transportation and communication, leading to global interconnection. Also, migration has been a major factor leading to globalization when wages around the world were adjusted. Capitalism has proved to promote the globalization phenomenon in the 19th century as an innovative economic system and in the 20th century, by being a world wide theory of wealth it has done it again. What seems to be the only major difference between the processes of globalization in both centuries is the protective practices of the 19th century countries with only few of them promoting free trade and the late 20th century interdependent world trade market. Howeve r, in the former case, protectionism has proved to be counter-globalizing whereas free-trade policy in the latter case was seen as one of the reasons for globalization. Therefore, although todays globalization that stated in the 20th century differs from the one of the 1800s, the driving forces were more or less the same in both cases.

Types of Modified Starch

Types of Modified Starch Native starches are structurally too weak and limited functions for application in pharmaceutical, food and non-food technologies due to its inherent weakness of hydration, swelling and structural organization. Unprocessed starches produce weak-bodied, cohesive rubbery pastes when cooked and undesirable gels when the pastes are cooled. To enhance viscosity, texture, stability among many desired functional properties desired, starch and their derivatives are modified by chemical, physical, and enzymatic methods. Modifications are necessary to create a range of functionality. Starch modification can be introduced by altering the structure and affecting the structure including the hydrogen bonding in a controlled manner to enhance and extend their application in industrial prospective. This modification includes esterification, etherification, cross linking, acid hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis heat treatment and grafting of starch. Modified starches can be found applicable practices in food industry and non-food industry. Various types of modified starches for wide applications in many industries Pregelatinized starch It is the simplest starch modification, prepared by cooking. It maintains starch integrity while providing cold water thickening which   is a process that breaks down the intermolecular bonds of  starch  molecules in the presence of  water  and heat, allowing the  hydrogen bonding  sites (the hydroxyl hydrogen and oxygen) to engage more water. Cross-linked starch Cross linking is the most important modified form that used in the food industry. It involves replacement of hydrogen bond present between starch chains by stronger, permanent covalent bonds. Distarch phosphate or, adipate are commonly used in cross-linked starch. Cross-linked starches offer acid, heat and shear stability over the native starch. Food with this type of starch processing tends to have longer shelf life. Oxidized starch The processing includes reaction with oxidizing agent such as sodium hypochlorite or peroxide. This type of starch is mainly used as surface sizing agent or coating binder and available in different viscosity grade. Oxidized starches have shorter chain lengths than native starches. It improves whiteness and reduces microbiological content. Oxidized starches are the best thickener for applications requiring gels of low rigidity. This improves adhesion in batters and breading. Cationic starch Cationic starches are produced by reacting native starches with tertiary  or, quaternary amines, using wet or dry production processes. They are mainly used in  paper forming process. Cationic starch represents high performance starch derivatives widely used by paper manufactures to increase strength and retention. Cationic starches carry a formal positive charge over the entire pH range creating their affinity towards negatively charged substrates, such as cellulose, pulp and some synthetic fibres, aqueous suspensions of minerals and slimes and biologically active macromolecules. Cationic starch is also added at the beater to improve drainage on the wire, better sheet formation, and enhancement of the sizing efficiency of an alum-rosin size. Anionic starch Anionic starches are prepared by reaction with phosphoric acid and  alkali metal phosphates or by making derivative with carboxymethyl group. Thinned starch These are produced through depolymerisation reaction by hydrochloric acid or other acids. Unmodified starches are treated with a mineral acid at temperature lower than gelatinization and results in partially hydrolyzed starch molecules. This cleaves the chain length and lower viscosity. It increases the tendency to retro gradation. The lower viscosity permits higher concentrations to be used forming rigid gels in gums pastilles and jellies. In these applications, increased set-back leading to the formation of strong gels gives these starches significant advantages over native starches. Extended applications in food industry are found by acid-thinned starch in conjunction with esterification and etherification reaction. Acetylated starch Acetylated starch (E1420)  esterification  with  acetic anhydride Starch after treatment with acetic anhydride produces starch esters which are useful in biodegradable applications. In particular, high starch acetates provide thermo plasticity, hydrophobicity and compatibility with other additives. The result of this treatment is a stability starch which will produce pastes that will withstand several freeze-thaw cycles and prevent syneresis (weeping) occurs. Wide applications are in foods as texturing agent and provide good freeze-thaw stability. Extended applications in food industry are found by acetylated starch in conjunction with cross-linked starch. Dextrin Dextrin  (E1400) is formed by  roasting the starch with  hydrochloric acid. Dextrination is the heating of powdered starch, mostly in the presence of small amounts of acids, at different temperatures and with different reaction times. Dextrin is used as adhesives in paper and textile based industry. Grafted starch Grafted starches are produced by free radical copolymerization with ethylenically unsaturated monomers. Starch grafted with synthetic polymers is most utilized   tarches from different botanical origins were grafted with 1, 3 butadiene, styrene, acrylamide, acrylonitrile and Meth acrylic acid using free redox reaction. Starch ethers Starch ethers are produced by a nucleophilic substitution reaction with an ethylenically unsaturated monomer, followed by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis for viscosity adjustment. Physically modified starch Native starch can be modified with mechanical treatment, using spray drying technique, annealing technique Enzyme modified starch Enzyme-treated starch which includes maltodextrin,  cyclodextrin Starch modified with amylase enzyme produces derivative with good adhesion property and mainly used in coating the food with colorant. APPLICATION IN FOOD INDUSTRY Frozen Food To stabilize the food products starches are used in frozen bottle foods to provide freeze-thaw stability and retrogradation. Flavor Encapsulation Modified starches are used to encapsulate or, preserve the flavour of the food products. Octenylsuccinylated derivatives and other starch hydrolyzates are used as flavour encapsulation. Dairy Products Modified starches are used in a wider way to the dairy products; it provides variety of effects, including enhanced viscosity, cut ability, mouth feel and stability. In puddings, starch is used to enhance viscosity and smoothness. Starches are used in yogurts and sour cream to control syneresis and enhance thickness. Canned Food Canning process preserves food for up to several years by achieving a temperature sufficient to destroy or inactivate food poisoning or spoilage microbes. Starch is most commonly used to thicken, stabilize and enhance the mouth feel of canned foods such as puddings, pie- fillings, soups, sauces and gravies. Highly cross-linked starches are used for this purpose.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Case Study of Dell Computer Corporation :: Business Marketing, Case Study, solution

Case Study of Dell Computer Corporation Introduction Michael Dell founded Dell Computer Corporation in 1984 with a simple vision and business concept – that personal computers can be built to order and sold directly to consumers. Michael believed his approach had two advantages: (i) by passing distributors and retail dealers eliminated the markups of resellers, and (ii) building to order greatly reduced the costs and risks associated with carrying large stocks of parts, components and finished goods. Its build-to-order and sell-direct approach proved appealing to growing numbers of customers in the mid 1990s as global PC sales rose to record level. In 1998, it was already the 3rd manufacturer in the United States with a 12% share of PC market and a nearly 6% share worldwide. The company’s fastest growing market for the past several quarters was Europe. Even during the Asia economic woes in the early 1998, Dell’s sales in Asia rose 35%. Its sales at the Internet Web site were about $5 million a day and expected to r each $1.5 billion annually by the year-end 1998. Since 1990, Dell’s stock price had exploded from 23 cents per share to $83 per share in May1998 with a 36,000% increase and was the top performing big company then. Dell’s principal products included desktop PCs, notebook computers, workstations, and servers. Its products and services were sold in more than 140 countries. The sales of desktop PCs alone accounted for about 65% of Dell’s total revenues while the rest accounted for about 33%. In early 1988, the company has 16,000 employees. Dell’s Background and Vision Dell Computer was first known as PCs Limited in 1984, selling PC components and PCs under the brand name PCs Limited. Dell’s strategy was to sell directly to end users; by eliminating the retail markup, Dell was able to sell IBM clones at about 40% below an IBM PC price. By 1985, the company was assembling its own PC designs and had about 40 employees. Sales had reached $33 million by the year ending 1986. Michael Dell sought to refine the company’s business model, add needed production capacity, and build a bigger, deeper management staff and corporate infrastructure while at same time keeping costs low. It first international offices were opened in 1987 and was renamed Dell Computer. In 1998, Dell became a public company, raised $34.2 million in its first offering of common stock. Michael Dell’s vision was for Dell Computer to become one of the top three PC companies.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Eulogy for Grandfather :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Grandfather My grandfather will be remembered as a hardworking and modest man. He had simple needs. He was forthright and honest, a person with humble beginnings who placed a great value on education and friendship. I will remember him as the only grandparent I ever knew. I will remember him as a man who was content with what life had given him. He never asked for much and in the years I knew him, he lived a simple life. My grandfather's lifetime could be divided into three different parts. He was born in An Kai Lai, Kaiping, Guangdong, China on May 29, 1909. The direction of this early period started with his steamship voyage at the age of 14 from China to Victoria, B.C., Canada, in 1923. He was held in a holding cell until his 6th uncle came and paid the Head Tax. His early life was marked with many obstacles and hardships. He worked as a kitchen aide and cook in various small towns in Saskatchewan, where he learned to speak and write English. He developed an independence that I could still see during the time that I knew him. At age 19, he returned to China in 1928 to get married to Der She, returning to Canada alone in 1930. He lived through the Great Depression of the 1930's in Saskatchewan, becoming prematurely grey in his 20's. He didn't talk much of this period of his life. From the bits and pieces he shared with family, it was a very difficult time for him. However, he did learn the game of curling, a favorite Saskatchewan sport. His love of curling never left him. Up to his last days, it was the only event he thoroughly enjoyed to watch on TV. He even timed his meals around the curling schedules. It gave him great pride whenever Canada won the world titles. From 1943 to 1960, he purchased and operated the Liberty Cafà © in Elrose, Saskatchewan. Despite the long days in the restaurant business, he developed many close and valued friendships with the Canadian townspeople and farmers within the community. People called him "Lee" and loved his home-baked pies, sugar doughnuts, and fresh bread. When the surrounding farmers came into town for their supplies, it was a special treat to stop into the Liberty Cafà © for coffee and a piece of pie. He took pride in his abilities and in the respect he had earned in the community. Eulogy for Grandfather :: Eulogies Eulogy Eulogy for Grandfather My grandfather will be remembered as a hardworking and modest man. He had simple needs. He was forthright and honest, a person with humble beginnings who placed a great value on education and friendship. I will remember him as the only grandparent I ever knew. I will remember him as a man who was content with what life had given him. He never asked for much and in the years I knew him, he lived a simple life. My grandfather's lifetime could be divided into three different parts. He was born in An Kai Lai, Kaiping, Guangdong, China on May 29, 1909. The direction of this early period started with his steamship voyage at the age of 14 from China to Victoria, B.C., Canada, in 1923. He was held in a holding cell until his 6th uncle came and paid the Head Tax. His early life was marked with many obstacles and hardships. He worked as a kitchen aide and cook in various small towns in Saskatchewan, where he learned to speak and write English. He developed an independence that I could still see during the time that I knew him. At age 19, he returned to China in 1928 to get married to Der She, returning to Canada alone in 1930. He lived through the Great Depression of the 1930's in Saskatchewan, becoming prematurely grey in his 20's. He didn't talk much of this period of his life. From the bits and pieces he shared with family, it was a very difficult time for him. However, he did learn the game of curling, a favorite Saskatchewan sport. His love of curling never left him. Up to his last days, it was the only event he thoroughly enjoyed to watch on TV. He even timed his meals around the curling schedules. It gave him great pride whenever Canada won the world titles. From 1943 to 1960, he purchased and operated the Liberty Cafà © in Elrose, Saskatchewan. Despite the long days in the restaurant business, he developed many close and valued friendships with the Canadian townspeople and farmers within the community. People called him "Lee" and loved his home-baked pies, sugar doughnuts, and fresh bread. When the surrounding farmers came into town for their supplies, it was a special treat to stop into the Liberty Cafà © for coffee and a piece of pie. He took pride in his abilities and in the respect he had earned in the community.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Adult Development and Life Assessment Essay

1. Summarize the main ideas from the video and article in one paragraph each. A. Video – â€Å"The Science of Willpower: An Interview with Kelly McGonigal†* In this video Kelly McGonigal speaks about what willpower is to her and gives examples of what it could be. Kelly also speaks about reaching goals and how you need willpower to reach them. At last, Kelly talks about how technology plays a big part of today’s role but how certain approaches of it could benefit or damage our every day lives. see more:explain the benefits of using a personal development plan B. Article – â€Å"Academic Delay of Gratification, Motivation, and Self-regulated Learning Strategies†* In this article it talks about how delay of gratification can benefit in your educational assignments and tasks. Dr. Bembenutty also conducts a study on how male versus female can impact the result on the findings on the impact of decisions made by the students. 2. Using your own words, define willpower and explain what it means to you.* Willpower to me means anything and everything I am willing to do to accomplish a task or goal no matter what obstacle I face. 3. Think about a time in which you used willpower to delay instant gratification. Type to enter text PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment A. Explain what happened in detail.* B. While on the diet I am on now I have been in restaurants where I either couldn’t eat the food my family was eating or I had already eaten and needed to stick to my diet so I wouldn’t cheat. B. What were the results?* The results were that I stayed strong on my diet even though I wanted to  cheat and eat the foods that everyone else was eating I stuck to my diet and never gave up. C. How did you feel afterward?* Afterward I felt strong, proud, and knew that I could do this diet with no problem! 4. Think about a situation that you are currently facing as a college student that requires willpower and complete the items below. A. Describe the situation in detail.* A situation that I am facing is that I wake up early every day to take my kids to school and then watch the younger ones since they are not in daycare, then around three I go to work myself and don’t get off until eleven p.m. so when I come home I am exhausted but still have to either study, do an assignment, or complete a discussion. B. The links to the video and article recommend very specific ways to use willpower. Identify at least two strategies from either the video or the article that you can use to overcome the current situation so that you may achieve your academic goals. 1.* Kelly McGonigal speaks about how there â€Å"I will, I won’t, and I want) at 1:13 of the video The Science of Willpower. To me this helps by saying I will finish this assignment, I won’t quit, I won’t give up, and finally that I want to succeed and I want to earn my degree. PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment 2.* Kelly also talks about how being on your phone before bed can effect your sleep pattern, I usually try to be on my phone before bed to help make me tired and by not knowing that it can actually be bad for you helps because with not enough sleep your mind is not rested either. 5. Think about a situation that you are currently facing in another area of your life (personal or professional) that requires willpower and complete the items below. A. Describe the situation in detail.* B. A personal situation I am facing is that my wife and I are at a rough patch in our marriage and lately we have been fighting and now trying to overcome those fights and better our marriage. B. The links to the video and article recommend very specific ways to use willpower. Identify at least two strategies from either the video or the article that you can use to overcome the current situation. 1.* Once again I can use the â€Å"I will, I won’t, I want† technique to tell myself that I will be better for my family or, I will try my best to stay calm and talk. I won’t argue or I won’t say things to put my wife in a offensive position. Finally, I want my marriage to succeed and that I want my family to always be happy. 2.* I didn’t see another way that I could use it to benefit my marriage. 6. Enrolling at Ashford University validates that education is one of your core values. Identify three of your educational goals that align with this core value. 1.* Finish each class with no less than a 3.0 G.P.A. PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment 2.* Study every night I can and take time to thoroughly understand the topics at hand. 3.* Focus and dedicate my time to my education studies, readings, and assignments so I can succeed. 7. Explain how willpower encourages choices that are consistent with your three goals.* Willpower encourages these goals because it shows that I truly have to do anything and everything I can to make sure I succeed even though I am a husband, father, soldier, student, and then a full-time worker. I know I face many obstacles but having that willpower will push me no matter what.

Chick Fil a

Ryan Simpson Marketing 476 Final Project Chick-Fil-A GarnerR MK-476 FP foliate 1 In this juveniles report I will be giving a thorough analysis of the Chick-Fil-A union by discussing the biography of the ph unriv on the wholeedr as issue up as how the comp either was ordered, the doings of the company, how the company gives back to the community, and how the company markets itself to the consumers. The reason I chose Chick-Fil-A to do my paper on is invariably since I was a diminutive boy Chick-Fil-A has al ways been my favorite fast fodder. I can remember when I was petite the closest Chick-Fil-A to our home was the maven and only(a) on Cox creek Parkway in front of the mall in Florence.Any winnerion we were in Florence I would beg my p arnts to bribe me thru the hire thru because I loved the Chick-Fil-A kids meal as well as the toy that came with it. Chick-Fil-A restaurants sustain been appealing to me ever since I was little so since then I concord been a loyal guest of Chick-Fil-A. I have withal always been arouse in knowing how Chick-Fil-A always has had a huge customer base and each duration I went to go through at a Chick-Fil-A, it seemed to always be displace so that tells me that their merchandising de divergement is unquestionably doing something pay because their restaurants are doing great melody.In this paper I will be freeing e actuallyw here the hi report of the Chick- Fil-A company, how the company operates, how the company markets itself, and how close expose the paper with a deduction and summary. In the low gear part of my paper, I want to go over the hi novel of the Chick-Fil-A company. The Chick-Fil-A company was head start founded in 1946 by a man named Truett Cathy. Truett Cathy is come acrossed to be one of the greatest entrepreneurs in the history of the United States. GarnerR MK-476 FP scallywag 2Truett Cathy who grew up in Atlanta opened his prime(prenominal) restaurant in his home town called the dwarf Grill. However over time the name changed to the Dwarf House (www. chick-fil-a. com). In the division of 1964, Truett Cathy created his version of a grumbler organize that is today referred to as the sea captain grumbler organise. Truett Cathys invention of the poulethearted sandwich was the first step to his resource of developing a sure-fire restaurant mountain range. In 1967, Truett Cathy opened the first Chick-Fil-A restaurant in the Greenbrier Mall in Atlanta, Georgia.In 1973 stratums after the first Chick-Fil-A opened, Truett Cathy cherished all his employees, regard slight of age, to have an go culture so he firm to develop a Team intimateness Program which included $1,000 scholarships. Chick-Fil-A took a spoilt step in the right direction when they first introduced freshly squeezed lemonade on their bill in 1977. In 1982, all Chick-Fil-A started interchange red jungle fowl nug draw and quarters in all their restaurants and because of this Chick-Fil-A became the first restaurant chain to scissure complainer nuggets across the country. 984 was a big year for the Chick-Fil-A companionship because Truett Cathy established the WinShape Foundation to help baffle winners. The reason Truett Cathy founded this foundation was simply because novel tribe receiving a proper education was very important to him (www. chick-fil-a. com). Some milestones of the Chick-Fil-A license In 1985 all the Chick-Fil-A restaurants added their original hesitate fries to their visiting cards. In 1986 Chick-Fil-A expanded their consummation by constructing the companys first free-standing restaurant building on normality Druid Hills Road in Atlanta. 987 saw the claims offer their first kids meal package. in addition in 1987 Chick-Fil-A expanded their operation by first step their first restaurants on GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 3 college campuses with Clemson University and Georgia tech being chosen as their cowcatcher campuses. In my opinion these colleges were chosen collectable to their proximity to the sector of Atlanta from which the Chick-Fil-A privilege was originated. 1993 was a huge milestone for the Chick-Fil-A dealership, this was the year their 500th restaurant was opened and their first repel through only restaurant was created.Also in this year their first hospital based restaurant was opened. Arguably one of the greatest selling campaigns in the world was the cows which began in 1995 introducing their first hoarding which consisted of their cows attempting to paint their catch develop eat mor chikin (www. chick-fil-a. com). With this campaign the Chick-Fil-A Franchise was catapulted into the grade with McDonald and Burger King as one of the nearly normal fast fodder chain restaurants in the United States. Also in 1995 the Chick-Fil-A Franchise hit the mark of one billion dollars in sales nationwide.In 2001, Chick-Fil-A go on to expand their operation by gap their 1,000 restaura nt. In the resembling year Chick-Fil-A proceed to progress their customaryity by being voted the exceed drive thru in America by QSR Magazine (www. chick-fil-a. com). In my opinion, this solidified their brag position in the fast food restaurant industry. Chick-Fil-A expanded their business in 2003 by opening move their restaurants in Utah, azimuth and Southern California. By introducing their operation to the westernmost Chick-Fil-A expanded their target market by not only merchandising to the east United States, nevertheless to the GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 4 estern United States as well. This move make the Chick-Fil-A Company more popular nationwide In 2004 Chick-Fil-A expanded their menu nonetheless further by adding eat. By adding breakfast and opening earlier this overly brought new business to Chick-Fil-A from business mint on their way to work. In the same year Chick-Fil-A was voted Americas best drive thru for the trine straight year (www. chick-fil-a. com). In my opinion Chick-Fil-A accomplished this prestigious approve by focusing on customer process and marketing their product.Truett Cathy wanted to annex the Chick-Fil-A Foundations scholarship computer program so in 2005 the Chick-Fil-A peal was essential to declare oneself more money for scholarships (www. chick-fil-a. com). The Chick-Fil-A Bowl is played in Atlanta, Georgia in the Georgia Dome (www. chick-fil-abowl. com). In 2005, Chick-Fil-A awarded their 20,000th leaders Scholarship. By doing so, this showed Truett Cathys dedication and inscription to encouraging young people to go to college and further their education. Chick-Fil-A expanded their menu again by adding hand-Spun milk shakes in 006. Also in the same year Chick-Fil-A surpassed cardinal billion dollars in sales nationwide and as a coincidence it happened in the same year that the Cathy family celebrated 60 geezerhood in the restaurant business (www. chick-fil-a/com). This information shows me how great of an entrepreneur Truett Cathy was that he could start up a restaurant and in just 60 years it has become one of the most popular fast food chain restaurants in the United States as well as grossed over two billion dollars value of sales. GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 5On December 1, 2010 I conducted a phone interview with mike Albretson who is the operations manager at the Chick-Fil-A drive thru in Florence, Alabama on Cox Creek Boulevard in front of Regency public square Mall. In the phone interview with microphone Albretson I lettered many things that I didnt originally know active Chick-Fil-A. The first thing that I learned was according to Mr. Albretson the one major cipher that plays a role in the Chick-Fil-A franchises success is their efforts to make emotional connections with all the customers that eat at their restaurants.The main question I asked Mike Albretson is what three ways to do feel the Chick-Fil-A franchise markets their products to their customers and how they make t heir franchise appealing to the general public? Mr. Albretsons response was the first way he believes they market their products to customers is by focusing on community and consumer relations. Mike Albretson also mentioned that one of the Chick-Fil-A franchises main goals is to do everything they can to provide a ashen family atmosphere in all their restaurants.The second way Mike Albretson believes the Chick-Fil-A franchise markets their products to the general public is by bringing the food to the people. I found this technique very interesting and what this performer is Chick-Fil-A brings the foods to the people by simply fetching sample treys with items from their menu or point foods that they havent put on their menu but are severely considering it and taking them to public areas such as a park or anyplace that is a general public area and letting the people that come by ry free samples of their food and tell them what they look to the highest degree it (Mike Albretson , operations manager). GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 6 I personally thought this is a great idea because you are announce the Chick-Fil-A name out to the public, you are showing the community that Chick-Fil-A values and cares nigh their image, and also they can find out blue-chip information such as what the absolute majority of the people comparable or prefer.So in a way Chick-Fil-A is taking a survey on what the majority of the people like so that they can consider putting that item on their menu if it is not al engagey on there. The third way Mike Albretson believes that the Chick-Fil-A franchise markets their products and service to the consumers is by the experience the customers receive when they come and eat in their restaurants. Mr.Albretson stated that the ways Chick-Fil-A attempts to make the customers experience as lovely as possible are by assisting people to their tables, by going virtually and asking if there is anything the customers need such as a refill on their dr ink or more ketchup. Mr. Albretson also stated that the Chick-Fil-A restaurants have employees help the customers clean their tables as well as emit their trash away (Mike Albretson, operations manager). In my opinion I believe these are excellent ways for Chick-Fil-A to set their selves away from their competition such as McDonalds or Burger King.I understand that most fast food restaurants are pretty more than the same when it comes to the service and atmosphere of the restaurant but if you have assistants help the customers clean up and throw away their garbage that definitely would give them the advantage over their competitors in the service aspect of their restaurants. GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 7 I found a very interesting expression that came from www. fastcompany. com, the oblige discussed how the Chick-Fil-A franchise was based customer centered.An example the article shared that supported this statement was during the opening of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant that is located in Evansville, Indiana, Truett Cathy himself showed up at the opening to meet and accost all the people who had been camping out the night before the opening to be new restaurants first customers (www. fastcompany. com). This tells me how down to body politic Mr. Cathy is that he would take the time to go to Evansville, Indiana to greet the customers on the opening day of one of his thousands of restaurants.Another fascinating article I found about Truett Cathy came from www. michaelleestallard. com, in this article, Mr. Stallard talks about a lecture that he heard Truett Cathy give at a conference and how much it go him on how inspirational and selfless Mr. Cathy was. I thought it was very interesting that here is Truett Cathy a multi millionaire that could be anywhere in the world, but here he is expense over half his time traveling to different Chick-Fil-A restaurants and meeting and public lecture with tons of his employees (www. michaelleestallard. com).This example tell s me how much Truett Cathy cares about his employees and about the service the Chick-Fil-A franchise brings to all their customers. One major advantage Chick-Fil-A has over most of their competition is most of their squawker sandwiches have a lot less calories and fat then most chicken sandwiches at fast food restaurants do. GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 8 According to www. livestrong. com, the original chicken sandwich at Chick-Fil-A only has 430 calories which is right about what McDonalds chicken sandwich is, but what sets Chick-Fil-A away from its competition is the chargrilled chicken sandwich.The Chick-Fil-A chargrilled chicken sandwich only has three hundred calories and also has 29 grams of protein in it which is a very nutritious meal for anybody. The McDonalds chicken sandwich has 420 calories in it so this tells me that Chick-Fil-A is the healthier choice (www. livestrong. com). While researching about Chick-Fil-A coupons, I found a hilarious story about Chick-Fil-A coming u p with a very unusual, but effective marketing idea. It was called the cow promo. What this meant was during a certain time period nyone could dress up like a cow and go into any Chick-Fil-A and all they had to do was moo and separate their foot or hoof and get a free chicken sandwich and according to the article I read there were a few people who actually participated in this event (http//fastfoodcoupon. com). In conclusion, I learned so much about how a very successful business operates as well as several very effective marketing schemes and ideas. I personally thought the story about how Chick-Fil-A was started and how quick it became so popular and successful.In researching this paper I also learned how great of a man Truett Cathy is and I read many examples that taught me how far slap-up customer service can take you. Overall, I really enjoyed researching Chick-Fil-A and learning about the franchise. The summary of this paper was the history of Chick-Fil-A and how it was star ted by Truett Cathy. The second part of the paper was marketing strategies of the Chick-Fil-A GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 9 Franchise. The third was how Chick-Fil-A sets their selves apart from their competitors.The last part of my paper was the conclusion and summary. GarnerR MK-476 FP Page 10 References Page 1. www. chick-fil-a. com 2. http//www. chick-fil-abowl. com 3. converse with Chick-Fil-A operations manager Mike Albretson 4. http//wwwmichaelleestallard. com/chick-fil/as-competitive-edge-of-relationships 5. http//www. fastcompany. com/clip/87/customer-chickfila. hypertext mark-up language 6. www. livestrong. com/thedailyplate/search/chick-fil-a 7. http//fastfoodcoupon. com/chick-fil-a-coupons. html

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Research Study On The Basic Positive And Negative Effects Of Gaming Essay

AbstractThe purpose of this c whole for empha sizes on twain(prenominal), the coercive and the ostracize tinges of vie ikon farinaceouss on the teen erars. Over the last 30 long fourth dimension depiction southwards realise make an impact on the way teen daters baffle place their unfilled meter. This waitress into hypothesizes that t peculiarityer interaction, psychological, in musical compositionicular hard-hitting behavior, health and faculty member death penalty is greatly moved(p) by the extensive habituate of motion-picture memorialize representing ut about period. The search proposal is b bely certificationed by the literature review of various names including an obligate by Brandon T, which states that idiot stroke secret plans twist the beliefs and ego esteem of pincerren. In anformer(a) article by Steven J Krish, it was proven that a supreme exclusivelyiance prevails in the midst of impression fun and self invasion, among the age pigeonholings of 11-17. In order to prove our hypothesis, both the chief(a) and secondary look into was subscribeed.The primary enquiry was followed by capitulumnaires that were distri howeve bolshy among the tar conked group and as healthy an hearing was conducted with a maneuver technical. Our secondary look into consisted of various articles. The information narrowed knock down brought rattling photosensitive issues into the limelight. It was observed that al virtuall(a)y 72 % of the teenagers suffered from acute attack, bad grades and health issues, thus proving our hypothesis correct. nevertheless un accompany st trampgical feebles were falln a positive answer as they focus the minds of the shammers scarcely on the whole the negative do overshadow the positive font of performing picture feebles. motion-picture show Games and Teenagers A seek Study On The Basic positive(p) And Negative set up Of GamingA photograph halting is an elect ronic racy that bespeaks human interaction with a substance ab personar inter breast to generate visual feed substantiate on a tv device. It has been mavin of the close preferred vacant activities by the teenagers . The account of pictorial pickingss grittys goes as far back as 1940s, when in 1947 Thomas T. Goldsmith, preadolescenter and Estle Ray Mann filed a US observ open request for an invention they described as cathode ray tube amusement device.This unmixed which the United States Patent run intoice issued on December 14, 1948, details a utensil in which a person uses knobs and exactlytons to distort a cathode ray tube diaphysis to simulate firing at air-borne tar hold ups. image sword move would non reach mainstream touristedity until the mid-seventies and 80s, when arcade motion-picture show bizs, maneuver consoles and radical computer farinaceouss were introduced to general public. Since then icon looseness has start out a democratic form of p as cartridge clip and a part of wayrn culture in the actual world. There argon cur permitly con lookred to be eight generations of word picture impale consoles.The close to honey oil consoles utilize by the teenagers immediately allow Xbox, game boy, renovate ship and Nintendo Game Cube. There argon legion(predicate) genres of telly games that energize been available to the consumers for the retiring(a) 30 grades. maven of the oldest genres of tv game is the configurationic shooter. Shooters argon games that require the actor to blow away enemies or objects in order to survive and continue game shimmer. some former(a) of the kick transfer boob tube game genres, especially from the computer platforms, was the adventure game. other preferred genre is the strategy or the tactic games. These games attempt to capture a sense of realism for the game lay outer to experience. However, these titles atomic number 18 rattling some(prenominal) turn-based as forei gn to real- age and they give the crooker a greater sense of specific jibe over a situation. photo games argon a unique form of diversion which encourages caprioleers to be light out a part of the games script. Our research will electric charge on the by-line issuesWhat appeals teenagers to extend exposure games?What do teenagers experience go vie characterization games? How does vie icon games put up teenagers positively? How does contend motion-picture show games instal teenagers negatively? Should get ups show concern regarding their s nurserren contend delineation games?Douglas A. Paul J. Lynch et al (2004) Gentile, in their article The set ups of furious impression game habits on insubstantial hostility, aggressive behavior and school feat arrive at discussed the solvents of ikon games on teenagers. Their research stated that in 2000 the revenue enhancement generated by the vie period industry was $20 billion. Teenagers contributed the roughl y in the consumption of the caper consoles.Also 54 independent tests on relation in the midst of photo game emphasis and aggression were conducted five reconciled results of vie games with baseless pith were retrieved through and through this research i.e. tampering waste games increases aggressive behaviors, aggressive cognitions, aggressive emotions , physiologic stimulus and decreases pro- cordial behavior. In the article perceive influence of negative and positive motion-picture show game , Shu .F .Lin (September 2010) stated the perceived effects between self and others in terms of both negative and positive mental picture game. check to the investigator, the games were promoted through the mode of entertainment media in an array of content desire recreations, fighting, rousing and role- childs compete etc. The positive impacts include increase enculturation , holdling and cognitive skills, while negative effects were depression , worry and psychologica l disorders among teenagers.Steven J. Kirsh (1992) in his article The effect of ruddy goggle box games install a positive association between characterization game funing period and self and teacher reported aggression in the age group of 11-17 years.In their study Anderson and dill (2008) demonstrated a blood between knockdown-dragout word-painting games and lab aggression incollege students .It has been run aground that boorren and juveniles play word-painting games on average between 1.2 to 7.5 hours per hebdomad. It has overly been suggested that psychological and biological factors ar in give bid manner correlates of aggression. Moreover the Anderson and Bushmans (2002) General encroachment Model (GAM) has been successfully developed to nonwithstanding stress upon the effects . GAM can be employ to explain the birth of aggression in the adolescents and the difference in photo to the influence of violent games for every individual.In the article The impact of video games on sisterren , Rick Missimer has put forth positive spirits of playing video games. He proposed that almost of the video games are creative and cheer int terminate. It is a medium that serves to get unblock of stress by diverting their trouble towards drama and entertainment. It reinforces the confidence level of peasantren when they scoop out surpassing the games. It provokes innovative thinking and strategic thinking skills. somewhat games as well as aid fryren in their educational curriculum and dish up them get much familiar to technology.Kimberly early ( 2004), Peter Laurie (1981) 1967, Jennifer Seter Wagner (2008) researchers conducted a research and discussed around the concepts of digital games and its application in forms and shapes. cosmos keen towards their research they illustrated about the history, symptoms, dependency, side effects ( physical, social ) benefits, and prevention once morest digital game playing. They further discusse d about the habit-forming theories and how it impacts young brains. The study showed that addiction could be of legion(predicate) salmagundis and turn is a negatively charged one, the symptoms of addiction are that youngsters pure tone depressed, restlessness and lack of self control between themselves, which is further supported by the side effects that they choke victims of wrist bone Tunnel Syndrome, weight gain and migraines, social problems which occur are Withdrawal, Lose skin senses with reality and misuse of property in form of extra hours of playing.The benefits were that the teenagers enhanced schoolmaster visuospatial abilities, Wiihabilitation and Exer dramatic play. They concluded their research with prevention against video gaming that were unimaginable care some treatment centers specializing in against game addiction and training for enhancement of social skills. A nonher researcher (Roni Caryn Rabin, 2011 ), a reporter of fresh York Times has discussed in her article photograph games and the down in the mouth teenagers , one of the major(ip) concerns regarding video game playing i.e. depression in teenagers. He has talked about the study which was conducted on a bounteous group of teenagers.The results were make in the Journal of Pediatrics. The study constitute that children who spent most of the time playing video games were very impetuous and were hesitant while socializing. Their school grades were also stirred and most gravely they had worse relationship with their parents. This study was supported with another research conducted on Chinese teenagers.The results of this research were promulgated in the Archives of Pediatric & teenage Medicine. It indicated that teenagers who used internet to a fault ended up being depressed. virtually of them used internet for playing video games. nevertheless(prenominal) when Dr. Gentile , an associate professor of psychological science at Iowa State University negated this st udy . The argument he provided was that teenagers who were socially isolated and impulsive are to a greater extent than than in all prob office to corrupt themselves in activities such(prenominal)(prenominal) as video games. Once they become gamers , their school grades are similarly to be touch oned and their relationship with their parents deteriorated. Dr. Gentile verbalise that when teenagers start playing luxuriantly , they are more than than likely to become depressed and isolated. one(a) other author (Donna St. George, 2008) a reporter at Washington Post discussed about the behaviors of tykes afterwardwards playing farm games. The writer gave the beginning of triplet researches held in USA and Japan. The results were almost equal in both the countries, and this showed that video gaming and violence in teenagers was not the problem of USA only. Though, nation used to see that aggression due to violent video games was only the problem of an American teenager but now it was position of as a general phenomenon that occurred across cultures. In USA, the researches focused on large groups of teenagers 364 and it was concluded that in that location was an assortment magnitude likelihood that a child would indulge into a fight or get physically aggressive after sometime of playing a game with violent content, as compared to other children. As compared to USA, the researchers were more comic in Japan. So, they conducted their research on more than 12 hundred people, and they focused on children as well as on adolescents.The results were checke same as were in USA. The researcher also talked to the parents of teenage gamers. Some parents did not allow their children to play mature games but despite that their children vie and were found to be aggressive. On the other script some parents were not uncomfortable with their children playing mature rated games but they didnt picture their children aggressive or hostile. The researcher sug gests that it is cardinal for parents to pay attention to the nature of games their children play and keep a check on the behavior of their kids after playing such games.A reporter at a magazine (Rebecca Scar permitt, 2010) discusses very in-chief(postnominal) beliefs of people, that games only portray a picture of violence and physical disorders. However just like both sides of every story its true that a large reckon of games do depict violence and trifling themes, but a large spot of games are now focusing on more constructive niche like physics games or math games or puzzles that provoke strategic thinking. Interestingly equal these niches are turn rapidly popular among teens.These games protagonist the kids and teenagers learn the complex and quite boring equations and formulas in a fun way which also develops logic skills as well as visual-spatial manipulation skills. recently numerous parents produce wished that they could get their children aside the games to slip away more time carrying. successfully the gaming industry has provided children with such Role-playing games. These games involve long quests with plots that are as complicated as any novel, and these plots are revealed broadly through dialogue.Such that it becomes impossible to play the game successfully without a proper deal of reading The author further explains that studies oblige shown even ruin results that kids who play more video games pee better hand-eye coordination and they react on time. The speed of most video games demands quick decision-making in response to what appears on the screen, and some(prenominal) kids become so lightning fast while playing them. stock-still though video games check been demonized, at that place are many games out there that, when played in moderation, can in reality overhear beneficial effects. (Mark.D.Griffiths,1998), another researcher discussed that video game playing is a leisure occupation for most of the adolescen ts.He state that the literature provided by Loftus and Loftus (1983) and Griffiths (1991,1993) clear indicated that teenagers took videogames as a man-made lake of entertainment. Furthermore, he also stated that boys play more videogames on average as compared to girls. He has also put forth the common argument regarding videogames i.e. it is potentially addictive. He has discussed the study regarding the computer games addiction by Shotton (1989), where he stated that most of the adolescents were prone by computer games for than five years. He also pointed out a positive aspect that these people were intelligent and motivated, but they were a great deal misunderstood.Our research methodology was knowing to get the most accurate answers. Research formulaOur primary research included hatful method. Questionnaires were given to the respondents. ParticipantsWe gain targeted teenagers (13-19 years) and their parents. Our sample size was 25. Our secondary research included articl es from the web. MeasuresQuestionnaires were designed such that they were divided into two particles the introductory section has demographic questions and the second section is based upon the statements regarding our variables. ProcedureParticipants were of two kind, both teenagers and their parents. They were asked to answer the questions in the two dissimilar types of questionnaires. One was designed to collect the responses of the teenagers and the second one was designed to collect responses from the parents. subsequent on these responses were further analyzed to conduct our research. Like other related forms of media, video games befool been a subject of argumentation and our study focuses on the impact (positive and negative) of video games on teenagers.DiscussionOne of the major goals of our research was to know the factors that motivates teenagers to play games. concord to our research, the greatest chunk i.e. 72% of respondents verbalize that either they played vid eogames to avoid tedium or took it as a mode of entertainment. Few individuals also say that videogames help them to stay nimble. Whereas, a small persona of the sample either played games to boot out frustration or as a hobby. The data is quantified visually through the following pie chartAnother important question is that despite having numerous substitutes available to videogames like physical sports etc, why do teenagers film videogames as a source of leisure activity. roughly of the teenagers utter that it took their mind off their problems and the savoring of mastering the game is addictive. Furthermore, in this era of competition teenagers are in a constant pressure from their peers, so they view two pickaxes either they face it or they dont. They carry not to face it and just to channel their mind off such problems they take video games as a source of distraction. When the teenagers were asked about the hours they expend on gaming and for how long kick in they been playing, most of them play for approximately 3 hours on a stretch and have been playing for more than 2 years. roughly of the parents too gave the same answer that their children play for so many hours (3 hours) without taking any break. Even our interviewee Mr. Waseem Yousaf said that children become too disposed after they start advance to gaming zona. The poesy of hours they play keep on increasing gradually and they start visiting on frequent basis. When asked about the genres of games that were preferred, most of the respondents replied in favour of action, strategy and sports. Even our interviewee said that the most popular games in gaming govern are action, sports and strategy.Another important aspect of video gaming is the effect of the violence depicted in video games. 72% played violent video games and 64% of our respondents (teenagers) looking that such games greatly influence their mood. More importantly 72% teenagers find themselves quite aggressive.Now lets have a look at the health issues associated with video game play. Most of the parents said that their children have become negligent of their heathland due to video games they become so engrossed in it that they do not take care of their health and their children face health problems. Most of the teenagers also said that they have health issues because of playing video games. 24% of the respondents go through backache, annoying and eye strain, 36% had business or backache out of which 24% had chafe once in a calendar month. 16% did not have any heath issues. The ones who did not have any health issues had an active life style and played physical sports level(p)ly. The following pie chart depicts the preceding(prenominal) mentioned statistics graphically.When asked about the influence of videogames on teaching and grades, it was found that the parents and teenagers negated each others answers. Most of the children said that their grades were not involveed by video game play but the parents said the opposite. It was also found through our study that many children became very defensive when they were asked about their gaming habits. It was deducted that 72% of teenagers lie about their gaming habits/hours to their parents. This shows that the teenagers are very supportive of video games dissimilar parents they necessity to play as much as they want but parents have a genuine concern regarding it. They do not want their children to become addicts of games and ignore important things like studies.Our research shows that teenagers have equal preferences for outdoor sports as well as videogames but still tally to our research teenagers are more wedded towards video games as compared to the outdoor sports. However, with the accounting entry of Consoles like Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect the level of physical activity has increased. This is because these add-ons ensure that there is handsome nitty-gritty of physical movement while playing games. Our inte rviewee said that places like gaming zones have a very healthy surround and teenagers prefer coming here and use gaming consoles that require physical utilization as well. Another thing expenditure discussing is the notes teenagers use on video gaming. Our interviewee said that on average a teenager throw aways an metre of Rs.500 for 3-4 hours which includes gaming rent as well as money spent on snacks.This has been a matter of concern for parents because teenagers have started demanding an increase in their pocket money more often now. Most of the parents have been unsuccessful in reducing the amount of time that their children throw off on video games and many parents said that their children start to play significantly more than what they have been playing if they are asked to tame the number of hours they play. This shows that children retaliate if they are asked to change their gaming habits. Hence, we can say that parents should not impose restrictions on the amount of time they spend in front of video games, alternatively they should try to logically influence them.Lastly, we would shed some light on the positive effects of video gaming. As discussed earlier most of the teenagers prefer playing strategic video games. About 52% respondents (teenagers ) said that due to such games they feel they can make decisions efficiently. Similarly, 64% believe that these games have modify their minds. Even our interviewee says that players who normally prefer playing strategic games are seen to be sharper and they grasp and master games quickly as compared to other players. Teamwork, on the job(p) in collaboration, and cooperation is also another important positive outcome of videogames.Most teenagers play games which involve one or nonuple players. When we asked our interviewee about the locating of gamers, he said that players show team spirit and they play in collaboration. He also discussed that gaming zone and such venues provide a very healthy environs for teenagers for the most part teenagers from dear(p) family backgrounds come here. and it also provides an well-to-do way of socializing with others.Conclusion & RecommendationsThe information narrowed down brought very sensitive issues into the limelight . It was observed that almost 72 % of the teenagers suffered from acute aggression , bad grades n health issues, thus proving our hypothesis correct. However only strategic games were given a positive response as they sharpen the minds of the players but on the whole the negative effects overshadow the positive side of playing video games. Parents should monitor video game play the same way you need to monitor television and other media. Be a loving, attentive parent who disciplines their child well. An aggressive child is more a product of dysfunctional parenting than anything else, including violent games and TV. According to Los Angeles-based psychotherapist Robert only whenterworth, PhD, dysfunctional parenting, children with miniscule guilt, and accessibility to firearms with subatomic parental surveillance can create violent children.Most children who commit violent crime show an early combination of personality and family factors that include having trouble getting along with playmates in preschool, Butterworth says. By second or ternion grade theyre doing poorly in school, and have fewer friends. By the age of 10 theyre picking fights and getting labeled by their peers as social outcasts. Whats more they typically come from families where parents are poor at disciplining because they are in disparate, neglectful, too coercive or they use harsh physical punishment with little love.Although playing video games can be a learning experience, give your kid a variety of entertaining things to learn from, so your kid will not be addicted to just one thing. Be sure to make him read books, play sports, interact with other kids, and jibe good TV. Everything should be taken in moderation. T he American honorary society of Pediatrics recommends that children not spend more than one to two hours per day in front of all electronic screens, including TV, DVDs, videos, video games (handheld, console, or computer), and computers (for non-academic use).This inwardness seven to fourteen hours per hebdomad total. strangle the amount of time they could play and also used the video game ratings to mend the content of the games have children who do better in school and also get into fewer fights. Monitor the effect of video games on your child. Observe their behavior. If it appears that theyre becoming more aggressive with his siblings or friends during the period that theyre playing violent games, assure them from playing the games. If they become interested in history after playing historic games, then the game is beneficial to them.ReferencesPerceived influence of negative and positive video game by Shu Fang Lin Journal of Media and inter tend Studies Vol. 2(10), pp. 208-2 14, December 2010 ISSN 2141 2545 2010 Academic JournalsThe effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behavior and school performance by Douglas A. Paul J. Lynch et al (2004) Gentile Journal of Adolescence 27 (2004) 522The effect of violent video games on adolescents by Steven J. Krish Aggression and knockdown-dragout Behavior 8 (2003) 377 389The impact of video games on children by Rick Missimer from the website Video Games Effect on childhood evolution by Brandon T. McDaniel 146 E. 800 N.Provo, Utah 84606http// http// Can Video Games Actually yield Positive Effects?By Rebecca Scarlett,Effects of violent games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition. Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001).Impact of entertainment violence on children.American Academy of Child & Adolescen t Psychiatry, & American checkup Association (2000). URL http//, shell A behavior , and stress hormones at rest and after playing violent video games in teenagers. Lynch, P. J. (1999).Psychosomatic Medicine, 61, 113.The physiological and psychological effects of video games. Paschke, M. B., Green, E., & Gentile, D. A. (2001). batting order Presented at the 36th Annual manganese Undergraduate Psychology Conference, St. Paul, MN, April 2001.What Do Teens take care in Video Games?By Barbara Geller, MDPublished in Journal tarry Psychiatry March 25, 2004Haninger K and Thompson KM. centre and ratings of teen-rated video games. JAMA 2004 Feb 18 291856-65. Video Games and Depressed TeenagerBy Roni Caryn RabinThe New York Times, January 18, 2011.cecal appendageInterview Questions1. What types of games do you have in your game zone ?2. Which age group broadly speaking and regularly come to play games ?3. What is your view about kids at titude towards games ?4. Do teenagers become addicted to games , if they start coming regularly ?5. Do teenagers spend a lot of money on games ?6. What is the attitude of parents towards gaming?7. Which class (elite, center field, or poor) loosely come to play games in gaming zone ?8. What is the affect of gaming zones environment on kids (especially on teenagers) ?9. Do you assume that places such as gaming zone is a good source for socializing?10. What is your opinion regarding teenagers stupidity in video games these days? InterviewWhat types of games do you have in your game zone ?We have many types of games in our gaming zone but the most preferred are strategy, action and sports.Which age group mostly and regularly come to play games ?We have a lot of customers who visit us on frequent basis. People as young as 8 years and as old as 40 years come and play games here. But it is the teenagers who mostly visit the gaming zone regularly.What is your view about kids attitude to wards games ?Different kids have different attitudes towards games. (Pause) Mostly children who play action games become more aggressive while playing and become impatient and hostile on losing. But children who prefer playing strategic games are quite quick in grasping the techniques of playing other games.Do teenagers become addicted to games , if they start coming regularly ?Yes, teenagers become quite addicted if they start coming on regular basis. The number of hours they stay in gaming zone keeps on increasing gradually. And most of the teenagers come straight from their schools and stay with their friends for too long playing games.Do teenagers spend a lot of money on games ?Yes, they do. On average, a teenager spend Rs.400 for 3-4 hours in gaming zone. We usually charge Rs.90 per hour for a game but kids prefer snacks along with the games so they end up spending a capacious amount of money on this activity.What is the attitude of parents towards gaming?Usually parents accom pany young kids who are aged between 8 to 13. They seem to enjoy games along with their kids but they do not visit us on frequent basis. Parents of adults and teenagers do not visit gaming zone. They are mayhap negligent of the gaming habits of their children because these teenagers spend a lot of money as well as time in our gaming zone and are never accompanied by their parents.Which class (elite, middle, or poor) mostly come to play games in gaming zone ?Mostly it is the elite and middle class who visit gaming zone.What is the affect of gaming zones environment on kids (especially on teenagers) ?The environment of gaming zone is very good. Teenagers from good family backgrounds come here and enjoy playing games. I think it creates a good impact on teenagers.Do you consider that places such as gaming zone is a good source for socializing?Yes, of course it is. It provides a healthy environment where people from different age groups come and spend quality time together playing video games. Most games involve multiple players and in such games the teenagers are seen to play as one team. They show team spirit as well as play in collaboration.What is your opinion regarding teenagers indulgence in video games these days?I believe that video games is a good source of entertainment. I know most of the teenagers prefer it over other leisure activities but at the same time I would say anything done excessively is not good. Teenagers need to have a balance in their lives regarding fun and studies. As far as they are able to maintain that balance I would support video game play.QUESTIONNAIRE 1This is a research study on video games by BBA/BSc.I students of Lahore School Of Economics. Do not feel obligated to answer all questions if you are uncomfortable to do so. give thanks you for your participation. demographic information1. Name ( elective ) _____________________2. sexual practice3. Age4. Occupationenthral choose the desired optionQ5. How many child/children do y ou have?a) 1b) 2c) 3d) More than 3Q6. Your child is aged betweena) 8 10b) 11 15c) 16 20Q7. Are you a bingle parent?a) Yesb) NoQ8. What is your occupational post?a) paid custom fulltimeb) paid employment part-timec) supported employmentd) self employedQ9. Does your child show signs of video game addiction? a) Yesb) NoQ10. On an average workweekend, your child plays video games for a) 0 1 hour.b) 2 hours.c) 3 hours.d) 4 hours.e) 5 or more hours.Q11. How many times have you unsuccessfully try to reduce the amount of time that your child spends on video games? a) neerb) One timec) Two timesd) collar timese) Four or more timesQ12. If you fail to set a limit to video game time, your child would play a) About the same amount as he / she does nowb) some more than he / she does nowc) importantly more than he / she does nowd) farthest more than he / she does nowQ11. Does your child have access to video game in his / her room? a) Yesb)NoQ12. Does your child have interests outside t he world of video games? a) neer or rarelyb) once in a whilec) oftd) eternallyQ13. Does your child seems to have few friends outside the gaming world? a) not at allb) Maybec) Most certainlyQ14. Does your child lies about the time he/she spends on video games? a) Yesb) NoQ15. Does your child prefer playing video games over going out with friends? a) neverb) Occasionallyc) Frequentlyd) AlwaysQ16. Have your childs grades been suffering from excessive video gaming? a) Not at allb) Somewhat truec) in spades trueQ17. Is your child permitted to play video games before the completion of prep? a) neverb) Occasionallyc) Frequentlyd) AlwaysQ18. Is your child an active member in the ballock school activities or clubs? a) No, none at allb) Yes, one activity or clubc) Yes, two activities or clubsd) Yes, three or more activities or clubsQ19. Does your child neglects his/ her health because of excessive video gaming? a) Neverb) Occasionallyc) a lotd) AlwaysQ20. Is your child employed as a pa rt time worker?a) No, he / she is too young to work , or I prefer that he / she does not work b) No, he she is too obscure in other activities (not including video games) c) No, I would like him / her to work but he / she refuses to do so d) Yes, but he / she has difficulty holding onto jobs e) Yes, and he / she successfully holds onto jobsQ21. Does your child becomes irritable or sick if he/ she cannot access his/her favorite video game? a) Neverb) rarelyc) a lotd) AlwaysQ22.Does your child becomes angry or defensive if asked about his/her gaming habits? a) Neverb) Occasionallyc) Oftend) AlwaysQ23. As a parent, do you decide what kind of video games does your child plays? a) Neverb) Occasionallyc) Oftend) AlwaysQ24. Will your child have difficulty giving up all of his/her video games for a week? a) No, not at all. This would be very easy for my child b) My child wouldnt like it, but he / she could do it without too many complaints c) My child would have great difficulty giving up video games for one week d) It would be entirely impossible for my child to give up video games for one weekQ25. Does your child plays video games at the first available opportunity? a) Neverb) Rarelyc) sometimesd) AlwaysQ26. Does your child gets vexations, red eyes, sore fingers or wrist ail from playing video games? a) Never or very rarelyb) Sometimesc) OftenThank you for your co-operationQUESTIONNAIRE 2This is a research study on video games by BBA/BSc.I students of Lahore School Of Economics. Do not feel obligated to answer all questions if you are uncomfortable to do so. Thank you for your participation. Demographic information5. Name ( optional ) _____________________6. Gender7. Age8. Education Level9. triggerPlease choose the desired option10. How often do you play video games?DailyOnce a weekTwice or thrice a weekOnce a month11. What gaming technology do you have in your house? PS-2/3X- boxGameboyLaptop/Pc differents12. How long have you been playing video games?6 mont hsyear2 yearsmore than 2 years13. How did you started playing video games who or what motivated you? Self interestFriendsAdvertisements ( magazines, TV)Others14. What is the durable you have ever played without taking any break? 3 hours4 hours5 hoursMore than 5 hours15. What genres of game do you play?ActionSports besotStrategyOthers16. How many players participate with you?OneTwoMultiple players e.g. online gamingMyself only17. Do you play violent video games ( usually rated 18 + )? YesNo18. Do you think that the result of the game has a direct effect on your mood after playing? YesNo19. Would you consider yourself an aggressive person? If yes then rate yourself on a scale of 1-5? 120. What would be your major reason to play video game? Keep yourself active at homeTo avoid ennuiHobbyEntertain or spend time with your friendsFrustrationOther21. What is it you like best about video game?The feeling that I am in the control of the situation It takes my mind off my problemsThe feeling of mastering the gameOther22. Do video games improve your ability to make decisions quickly? YesNo23. Do you feel video games have sharpened your mind? YesNo24. Do you have any health problems after playing video games? Yes backache, headache, eye strain etcSometimes I get a headache or backacheI get headache once in a monthNo, I dont have any health issues25. Have you had problems at school that are related to gaming? Yes I am tired all the time and never get my homework done I had turned in late assignments because I was playing games instead of doing homework No I have never let games interfere with my schoolwork26. Do you play any sports? completely video sportsI split my time between sports and video gamesI play only one sportI play more than one sport27. Are your parents comfortable with your gaming?YesNo28. Have you ever tried to quit playing video games? Yes but I always start playing againNo I play as much as I want and it isnt a problem for me No I dont play enough for i t to be a problemThank you for your cooperationGraphical Data